GuiMenu user defined functions Reference

Below is a complete list of the user defined functions available in AutoIt. Click on a user defined function name for a detailed description.

When using them you need to add a #include <GuiMenu.au3>.


User Defined Function Description
_GUICtrlMenu_AddMenuItem Adds a new menu item to the end of the menu
_GUICtrlMenu_AppendMenu Appends a new item to the end of the specified menu bar, drop-down menu, submenu, or shortcut menu
_GUICtrlMenu_CalculatePopupWindowPosition Calculates an appropriate pop-up window position
_GUICtrlMenu_CheckMenuItem Sets the state of the specified menu item's check mark attribute to either selected or clear
_GUICtrlMenu_CheckRadioItem Checks a specified menu item and makes it a radio item
_GUICtrlMenu_CreateMenu Creates a menu
_GUICtrlMenu_CreatePopup Creates a drop down menu, submenu, or shortcut menu
_GUICtrlMenu_DeleteMenu Deletes an item from the specified menu
_GUICtrlMenu_DestroyMenu Destroys the specified menu and frees any memory that the menu occupies
_GUICtrlMenu_DrawMenuBar Redraws the menu bar of the specified window
_GUICtrlMenu_EnableMenuItem Enables, disables, or grays the specified menu item
_GUICtrlMenu_FindItem Retrieves a menu item based on it's text
_GUICtrlMenu_FindParent Retrieves the window to which a menu belongs
_GUICtrlMenu_GetItemBmp Retrieves the bitmap displayed for the item
_GUICtrlMenu_GetItemBmpChecked Retrieves the bitmap displayed if the item is selected
_GUICtrlMenu_GetItemBmpUnchecked Retrieves the bitmap displayed if the item is not selected
_GUICtrlMenu_GetItemChecked Retrieves the status of the menu item checked state
_GUICtrlMenu_GetItemCount Retrieves the number of items in the specified menu
_GUICtrlMenu_GetItemData Retrieves the application defined value associated with the menu item
_GUICtrlMenu_GetItemDefault Retrieves the status of the menu item default state
_GUICtrlMenu_GetItemDisabled Retrieves the status of the menu item disabled state
_GUICtrlMenu_GetItemEnabled Retrieves the status of the menu item enabled state
_GUICtrlMenu_GetItemGrayed Retrieves the status of the menu item grayed state
_GUICtrlMenu_GetItemHighlighted Retrieves the status of the menu item highlighted state
_GUICtrlMenu_GetItemID Retrieves the menu item ID
_GUICtrlMenu_GetItemInfo Retrieves information about a menu item
_GUICtrlMenu_GetItemRect Retrieves the bounding rectangle for the specified menu item
_GUICtrlMenu_GetItemRectEx Retrieves the bounding rectangle for the specified menu item
_GUICtrlMenu_GetItemState Retrieves the menu item state
_GUICtrlMenu_GetItemStateEx Retrieves the menu flags associated with the specified menu item
_GUICtrlMenu_GetItemSubMenu Retrieves a the submenu activated by a specified item
_GUICtrlMenu_GetItemText Retrieves the text of the specified menu item
_GUICtrlMenu_GetItemType Retrieves the menu item type
_GUICtrlMenu_GetMenu Retrieves the handle of the menu assigned to the given window
_GUICtrlMenu_GetMenuBackground Retrieves the brush to use for the menu's background
_GUICtrlMenu_GetMenuBarInfo Retrieves information about the specified menu bar
_GUICtrlMenu_GetMenuContextHelpID Retrieves the context help identifier
_GUICtrlMenu_GetMenuData Retrieves the application defined value
_GUICtrlMenu_GetMenuDefaultItem Retrieves the default menu item on the specified menu
_GUICtrlMenu_GetMenuHeight Retrieves the maximum height of a menu
_GUICtrlMenu_GetMenuInfo Retrieves information about a specified menu
_GUICtrlMenu_GetMenuStyle Retrieves the style information for a menu
_GUICtrlMenu_GetSystemMenu Allows the application to access the window menu for copying and modifying
_GUICtrlMenu_InsertMenuItem Inserts a new menu item at the specified position
_GUICtrlMenu_InsertMenuItemEx Inserts a new menu item at the specified position in a menu
_GUICtrlMenu_IsMenu Determines whether a handle is a menu handle
_GUICtrlMenu_LoadMenu Loads the specified menu resource from the executable file associated with an application instance
_GUICtrlMenu_MapAccelerator Maps a menu accelerator key to it's position in the menu
_GUICtrlMenu_MenuItemFromPoint Determines which menu item is at the specified location
_GUICtrlMenu_RemoveMenu Deletes a menu item or detaches a submenu from the specified menu
_GUICtrlMenu_SetItemBitmaps Associates the specified bitmap with a menu item
_GUICtrlMenu_SetItemBmp Sets the bitmap displayed for the item
_GUICtrlMenu_SetItemBmpChecked Sets the bitmap displayed if the item is selected
_GUICtrlMenu_SetItemBmpUnchecked Sets the bitmap displayed if the item is not selected
_GUICtrlMenu_SetItemChecked Sets the checked state of a menu item
_GUICtrlMenu_SetItemData Sets the application defined value for a menu item
_GUICtrlMenu_SetItemDefault Sets the status of the menu item default state
_GUICtrlMenu_SetItemDisabled Sets the disabled state of a menu item
_GUICtrlMenu_SetItemEnabled Sets the enabled state of a menu item
_GUICtrlMenu_SetItemGrayed Sets the grayed state of a menu item
_GUICtrlMenu_SetItemHighlighted Sets the highlighted state of a menu item
_GUICtrlMenu_SetItemID Sets the menu item ID
_GUICtrlMenu_SetItemInfo Changes information about a menu item
_GUICtrlMenu_SetItemState Sets the state of a menu item
_GUICtrlMenu_SetItemSubMenu Sets the drop down menu or submenu associated with the menu item
_GUICtrlMenu_SetItemText Sets the text for a menu item
_GUICtrlMenu_SetItemType Sets the menu item type
_GUICtrlMenu_SetMenu Assigns a new menu to the specified window
_GUICtrlMenu_SetMenuBackground Sets the background brush for the menu
_GUICtrlMenu_SetMenuContextHelpID Sets the context help identifier for the menu
_GUICtrlMenu_SetMenuData Sets the application defined for the menu
_GUICtrlMenu_SetMenuDefaultItem Sets the default menu item
_GUICtrlMenu_SetMenuHeight Sets the maximum height of the menu
_GUICtrlMenu_SetMenuInfo Sets information for a specified menu
_GUICtrlMenu_SetMenuStyle Sets the menu style
_GUICtrlMenu_TrackPopupMenu Displays a shortcut menu at the specified location